
Ruler widgets are used to indicate the location of the mouse pointer in a given window. A window can have a vertical ruler spanning across the width and a horizontal ruler spanning down the height. A small triangular indicator on the ruler shows the exact location of the pointer relative to the ruler.

A ruler must first be created. Horizontal and vertical rulers are created using GRange.ruler

val GRange.ruler:
	Gtk.Tags.orientation ->
	?metric:Gtk.Tags.metric_type ->
	?lower:float ->
	?upper:float ->
	?max_size:float ->
	?position:float ->
	?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) ->
	?show:bool -> unit -> ruler

metric : default value is `PIXELS

Orientation should be given as an argument. It can be HORIZONTAL for horizontal ruler andVERTICAL for vertical ruler.

Units of measure for rulers can bePIXELS,INCHES or `CENTIMETERS. This can be set using

method set_metric : Gtk.Tags.metric_type -> unit

The default measure is `PIXELS.

Other important characteristics of a ruler are how to mark the units of scale and where the position indicator is initially placed. These are set for a ruler using

method set_lower : float -> unit
method set_upper : float -> unit
method set_position : float -> unit
method set_max_size : float -> unit

The lower and upper define the extent of the ruler, and max_size is the largest possible number that will be displayed. Position defines the initial position of the pointer indicator within the ruler.

A vertical ruler can span an 800 pixel wide window thus

vruler#set_lower 0;
vruler#set_upper 800;
vruler#set_position 0;
vruler#set_max_size 800;

The markings displayed on the ruler will be from 0 to 800, with a number for every 100 pixels. If instead we wanted the ruler to range from 7 to 16, we would code

vruler#set_lower 7;
vruler#set_upper 16;
vruler#set_position 0;
vruler#set_max_size 20;

The indicator on the ruler is a small triangular mark that indicates the position of the pointer relative to the ruler. If the ruler is used to follow the mouse pointer, the motion_notify_event signal should be connected to the motion_notify_event method of the ruler. To follow all mouse movements within a window area, we would use

area#event#connect#motion_notify ~callback:(fun ev -> hruler#event#send (ev :> GdkEvent.any));

The following example creates a drawing area with a horizontal ruler above it and a vertical ruler to the left of it. The size of the drawing area is 600 pixels wide by 400 pixels high. The horizontal ruler spans from 7 to 13 with a mark every 100 pixels, while the vertical ruler spans from 0 to 400 with a mark every 100 pixels. Placement of the drawing area and the rulers is done using a table.


(* file: *)

let xsize = 600
let ysize = 400

let main () =
  let window = GWindow.window ~title:"Ruler" ~border_width:10 () in
  window#connect#destroy ~callback:GMain.Main.quit;

  (* Create a table for placing the ruler and the drawing area *)
  let table = GPack.table ~rows:3 ~columns:2 ~packing:window#add () in

  let area = GMisc.drawing_area ~width:xsize ~height:ysize
    ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:1) () in

  (* The horizontal ruler goes on the top. As the mouse moves across
   * the drawing area, a motion_notify_event is passed to the
   * approprite event handler for the ruler. *)
  let hruler = GRange.ruler `HORIZONTAL ~metric:`PIXELS
    ~lower:7.0 ~upper:13.0 ~position:0.0 ~max_size:20.0
    ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:0) () in
    ~callback:(fun ev -> hruler#event#send (ev :> GdkEvent.any));

  (* The vertical ruler goes on the left. As the mouse moves across
   * the drawing area, a motion_notify_event is passed to the
   * approprite event handler for the ruler. *)
  let vruler = GRange.ruler `VERTICAL ~metric:`PIXELS
    ~lower:0.0 ~upper:(float ysize) ~position:0.0 ~max_size:(float ysize)
    ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:1) () in
    ~callback:(fun ev -> vruler#event#send (ev :> GdkEvent.any));

  window#show ();
  GMain.Main.main ()

let _ = main ()
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