Miscellaneous widgets


    Labels are used a lot in GTK, and are relatively simple.


    The Arrow widget draws an arrowhead, facing in a number of possible directions and having a number of possible styles.

    Tooltips object

    The little text strings that pop up when you leave your pointer over a button or other widget for a few seconds.

    Progress bars

    Progress bars are used to show the status of an operation.

    Dialog widgets

    The Dialog widget is very simple, and is actually just a window with a few things pre-packed into it for you.


    Ruler widgets are used to indicate the location of the mouse pointer in a given window.


    Statusbars are simple widgets used to display a text message.

    Text entry

    The Entry widget allows text to be typed and displayed in a single line text box.

    Spin button

    The Spin Button widget is generally used to allow the user to select a value from a range of numeric values.

    Combo box

    The combo box is another fairly simple widget that is really just a collection of other widgets.


    The Calendar widget is an effective way to display and retrieve monthly date related information.

    Color selection

    The color selection widget is, not surprisingly, a widget for interactive selection of colors.

    File selection

    The file selection widget is a quick and simple way to display a File dialog box.

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