
Toolbars are usually used to group some number of widgets in order to simplify customization of their look and layout. Typically a toolbar consists of buttons with icons, labels and tooltips, but any other widget can also be put inside a toolbar. Finally, items can be arranged horizontally or vertically and buttons can be displayed with icons, labels, or both.

Creating a toolbar is (as one may already suspect) done with the function GButton.toolbar:

val GButton.toolbar :
	?orientation:Gtk.Tags.orientation ->
	?style:Gtk.Tags.toolbar_style ->
	?tooltips:bool ->
	?border_width:int ->
	?width:int ->
	?height:int ->
	?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) ->
	?show:bool -> unit -> toolbar

After creating a toolbar one can insert button, radio_button, toggle_button or any widget types into the toolbar. To describe an item we need a label text, a tooltip text, a private tooltip text, an icon for the button and a callback function for it. For example, to insert an item you may use the following functions:

method insert_button :
	?text:string ->
	?tooltip:string ->
	?tooltip_private:string ->
	?icon:GObj.widget ->
	?pos:int ->
	?callback:(unit -> unit) -> unit -> button

method insert_radio_button :
	?text:string ->
	?tooltip:string ->
	?tooltip_private:string ->
	?icon:GObj.widget ->
	?pos:int ->
	?callback:(unit -> unit) -> unit -> radio_button

method insert_toggle_button :
	?text:string ->
	?tooltip:string ->
	?tooltip_private:string ->
	?icon:GObj.widget ->
	?pos:int ->
	?callback:(unit -> unit) -> unit -> toggle_button

method insert_widget :
	?tooltip:string ->
	?tooltip_private:string ->
	?pos:int ->
	GObj.widget -> unit

pos: default value is (-1)

If pos is 0 the item is prepended to the start of the toolbar. If pos is negative, the item is appended to the end of the toolbar. It’s default value is -1.

To simplify adding spaces between toolbar items, you may use the following function:

method insert_space : ?pos:int -> unit -> unit

If it’s required, the orientation of a toolbar and its style can be changed “on the fly” using the following functions:

method set_orientation : Gtk.Tags.orientation -> unit
method set_style : Gtk.Tags.toolbar_style -> unit
method set_tooltips : bool -> unit

Where orientation is one of `HORIZONTAL or `VERTICAL. The style is used to set appearance of the toolbar items by using one of `ICONS, `TEXT, or `BOTH.

To show some other things that can be done with a toolbar, let’s take the following program (we’ll interrupt the listing with some additional explanations):

(* file: *)

(* that's easy... when one of the buttons is toggled,
 * set the style of the toolbar accordingly *)
let radio_event toolbar style () =
  toolbar#set_style style

(* just check given toggle button and enable/disable
 * tooltips *)
let toggle_event toolbar button () =
  toolbar#set_tooltips button#active

The above are just two callback functions that will be called when one of the buttons on a toolbar is pressed. You should already be familiar with things like this if you’ve already used toggle buttons (and radio buttons).

let main () =
  (* Create a new window with a given title, and nice size *)
  let dialog = GWindow.dialog ~title:"Toolbar Tutorial" () in

  (* typically we quit if someone tries to close us *)
  dialog#connect#destroy ~callback:GMain.Main.quit;

  (* we neecd to realize the window because we use pixmaps for
   * items on the toolbar in the context of it *)
  dialog#misc#realize ();

  (* to make it nice we'll put the toolbar into the handle box,
   * so that it can be detached from the main window *)
  let handlebox = GBin.handle_box ~packing:dialog#vbox#add () in

The above should be similar to any other GTK application. Just initialization of GTK, creating the window, etc. There is only one thing that probably needs some explanation: a handle box. A handle box is just another box that can be used to pack widgets in to. The difference between it and typical boxes is that it can be detached from a parent window (or, in fact, the handle box remains in the parent, but it is reduced to a very small rectangle, while all of its contents are reparented to a new freely floating window). It is usually nice to have a detachable toolbar, so these two widgets occur together quite often.

  (* toolbar will be horizontal, with both icons and text, and
   * with 5pxl spaces between items and finally,
   * we'll also put it into our handlebox *)
  let toolbar = GButton.toolbar
    ~border_width:5 (* ~space_size:5 *)
    ~packing:handlebox#add () in

  (* we need icon for toolbar buttons *)
  let icon () =
    let info = GDraw.pixmap_from_xpm ~file:"gtk.xpm" () in
    (GMisc.pixmap info ())#coerce

Well, what we do above is just a straightforward initialization of the toolbar widget.

  (* our first item is "close" button *)
  let button = toolbar#insert_button
    ~tooltip:"Close this app"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:GMain.Main.quit () in
  toolbar#insert_space (); (* space after item *)

In the above code you see the simplest case: adding a button to toolbar. Just before appending a new item, we have to construct an image widget to serve as an icon for this item; this step will have to be repeated for each new item. Just after the item we also add a space, so the following items will not touch each other. As you see toolbar#insert_button returns a our newly created button widget, so that we can work with it in the normal way.

  (* now, lets make our radio buttons group... *)
  let icon_button = toolbar#insert_radio_button
    ~tooltip:"Only icons in toolbar"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(radio_event toolbar `ICONS) () in
  toolbar#insert_space ();

Here we begin creating a radio buttons group. To do this we use toolbar#insert_radio_button. In the above case we start creating a radio group. In creating other radio buttons for this group the previous button in the group is required, so that a list of buttons can be easily constructed (see the section on Radio Buttons earlier in this tutorial).

  (* following radio buttons refer to previous ones *)
  let text_button = toolbar#insert_radio_button
    ~tooltip:"Only texts in toolbar"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(radio_event toolbar `TEXT) () in
  text_button#set_group icon_button#group;
  toolbar#insert_space ();

  let both_button = toolbar#insert_radio_button
    ~tooltip:"Icons and text in toolbar"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(radio_event toolbar `BOTH) () in
  both_button#set_group text_button#group;
  both_button#set_active true;
  toolbar#insert_space ();

In the end we have to set the state of one of the buttons manually.

  (* here we have just a simple toggle button *)
  let tooltip_button = toolbar#insert_toggle_button
    ~tooltip:"Toolbar with or without tips"
    ~icon:(icon ()) () in
  tooltip_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(toggle_event toolbar tooltip_button);
  tooltip_button#set_active true;
  toolbar#insert_space ();

A toggle button can be created in the obvious way (if one knows how to create radio buttons already).

  (* to pack a widget into toolbar, we only have to
   * create it and append it with appropriate tooltip *)
  let entry = GEdit.entry () in
    ~tooltip:"This is just an entry"

As you see, adding any kind of widget to a toolbar is simple.

  (* that's it! let's show everything *)
  dialog#show ();
  (* rest in GMain.Main.main () and wait for the fun to begin! *)
  GMain.Main.main ()

let _ = Printexc.print main ()

So, here we are at the end of toolbar tutorial. Of course, to appreciate it in full you need also this nice XPM icon, so here it is:

The following xpm file is c style but it’s ok in ocaml too.

/* XPM */
static char * gtk_xpm[] = {
"32 39 5 1",
".      c none",
"+      c black",
"@      c #3070E0",
"#      c #F05050",
"$      c #35E035",
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