Fixed container

The Fixed container allows you to place widgets at a fixed position within it’s window, relative to it’s upper left hand corner. The position of the widgets can be changed dynamically.

GPack.fixed is the function associated with the fixed widget:

val GPack.fixed :
	?has_window:bool ->
	?border_width:int ->
	?width:int ->
	?height:int ->
	?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) ->
	?show:bool -> unit -> fixed

method put : GObj.widget -> x:int -> y:int -> unit
method move : GObj.widget -> x:int -> y:int -> unit

The function GPack.fixed allows you to create a new Fixed container.

put method places widget in the container fixed at the position specified by x and y.

move method allows the specified widget to be moved to a new position.

method set_has_window : bool -> unit
method has_window : bool

Normally, Fixed widgets don’t have their own X window. Since this is different from the behaviour of Fixed widgets in earlier releases of GTK, the set_has_window method allows the creation of Fixed widgets with their own window. It has to be called before realizing the widget.

The following example illustrates how to use the Fixed Container.


(* file: *)

(* Global variables to store the position of the widget
 * within the fixed container *)
let rx = ref 50
let ry = ref 50

(* This callback function moves the button to a new position
 * in the Fixed container. *)
let move_button but fixed () =
  rx := (!rx + 30) mod 300;
  ry := (!ry + 50) mod 300;
  fixed#move but#coerce ~x:!rx ~y:!ry

let main () =
  (* Create a new window; set title and border width *)
  let window = GWindow.window ~title:"Fixed Container" ~border_width:10 () in

  (* Here we connect the "destroy" event to a signal handler *)
  window#connect#destroy ~callback:GMain.Main.quit;

  (* Create a Fixed Container *)
  let fixed = GPack.fixed ~packing:window#add () in

  for i = 1 to 3 do
    (* Creates a new button with the label "Press me"
     * and packs the button into the fixed containers window. *)
    let button = GButton.button ~label:"Press me"
	  ~packing:(fixed#put ~x:(i*50) ~y:(i*50)) ()

    (* When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the
     * function move_button passing it the Fixed Container as its
     * argument. *)
    button#connect#clicked ~callback:(move_button button fixed)

  (* Display the window and enter the event loop *)
  window#show ();
  GMain.Main.main ()

let _ = Printexc.print main ()
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